India’s ace comedian, Raju Srivastav is high-voltage fan of &TV’s shows – Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai and Happu Ki Ultan Paltan न

Picture courtesy: Pr Handout Mumbai: Known for his incredible comic timing and excellent mass appeal, ace comedian, Raju Srivastav recently disclosed how much he loves and enjoys watching &TV’s Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai and Happu Ki Ultan Paltan , both which have a strong Kanpuria flavour in dialect and narrative. Raju being a Kanpur native, is a ‘High Voltage Fan’ of both these shows. On his two favourite shows, Raju Srivastav says “I am from Kanpur as you all know, and my family and I thoroughly enjoy watching &TV’s Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai and Happu Ki Ultan Paltan. Dono hi shows mein ek apnapan hai aur dhansu Kanpuria jumle hain joh sabhi ko hasate hain. We have till date never missed a single episode. I especially love Happu Singh and his family, their constant nok-jhoks and typical Kanpuria one-liners - Niyocchavar Kar Do, Arrey Dada, Gurde Chheel Denge, Guiyaan Ke Khet Mein, Kantaap, Nimbu Nichod Denge, Bhaukal, Chiraand, are my personal favourites. Sabhi kirdaron ka chik...